La malattia di Alzheimer

Alzheimer's is the most common cause of dementia: in fact, it represents 60% of the cases.

Alzheimer's disease is a neurodegenerative pathology that affects the brain and, progressely, leads the patient to a state of total dependency, creating a really complex and difficult situation for the ones that have to assist sick people.

The progressive population ageing is increasing the cases of the pathology onset. The number of the elderly presenting various kinds of dementia has reached 1,3 million, that is to say, more or less, 10% of the 13 million people over 60 in our country. Each year, In Emilia-Romagna, more than 11000 senile dementia diagnosis are done - among them, Alzheimer's disease is the most frequent type - for a total amount of 74000 people suffering from the illness.

Unfortunately, there are no effective pharmacological therapies available and, in 80% of the cases, the assistance is at people with dementia's families' charge. As a result, the latter have to dedicate the whole day at taking care of the patient and, thus, pay a  significant price, both in economical and pshycological terms.

Although medicine and pharmacology made progresses, the family is still the main support people with Alzheimer's can depend on. In the face of a serious pathology, a concrete help remains the only solution for patients and for their families.


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