The "Laboratori Benessere" project consists of some pshycoeducational and health-promotion interventions, dedicated to at least 60-year-old people.
Conceived by the association "Amici di Casa Insieme" with Azienda Asl Romagna's Cesena's headquarter and Valle del Savio's Unione dei Comuni Cesena's patronage and support, the project took place from 2013 to 2016, over the area sorrounding Cesena. The initiative involved more than 400 people.
The laboratories are based on the themes research identifies as topic points in neurodegenerative diseases prevention (Food - Physical activity - Cognitive working out - Socialisation) and aim at helping people play an active role in their own wellness, that is to say adopt healthier lifestyles.
Structurally, each laboratory consists of ten weekly group meetings, each one lasting an hour and a half, for a total amount of 15 hours, during 10 weeks.
The meetings have both an informative and an experiential mold, that is to say that are intended to provide useful information about the meaning and importance of prevention and to propose concrete activities through which learn how to correctly put in practice the advices given in order to keep one's mind alive, to eat properly, to regularly do physical activity and take care of one's physical and pshycological wellness, when interacting with other people. Moreover, the itinerary includes moments aimed at helping participants recognize and overcome changing-hostile attitudes, with the purpuse of encouraging people to take their own responsabilities in making choices and in adjusting individual behaviors.
The courses are carried on by a psychologist specialized in ageing and by nutrition and physical activity experts. The "Laboratori Benessere" project is usually realised in collaboration with districts, community and senior centres and entities and associations operating within the ageing field.
During 2017, Amici di Casa Insieme aims at realising ten new courses over the area sorrounding Cesena and the cooperation with other Emilia Romagna's and Marche's Alzheimer's-dedicated associations, in order to organise the initiative in other towns too, through the introduction of a protocol for our work model efficacy assesment, with the purpuse of verifying the results of the laboratories and their impact on patients' lifestyles.
The following video has been voluntarily realised
by the production company "Dresscode", thanks to Lorenzo
Among the characters, our volunteers and the elderly
taking part in our activities.